Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Arbitrary ass lines

This side of the street is normally priced. Want to live <over there>?? That'll be another $500 please.

Bastards. Rat Bastards.

Monday, March 31, 2014


Dear spouse, 

I promise it takes less than a minute to clean the potty. But apparently the process is toooooo much for you to handle. 


thank you 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

No so outraged

I think I'm over outrage when it comes to this industry. I'm just over it. I have come to the conclusion that I have way too many feeling to do what I do. 
Sitting across from people every two weeks for years. Talking,building relationships, learning them..... I become invested in these relationships. So when people just say screw me and go to someone else.....my feelings are hurt. And I'm tired of that. I'm tired of caring what people do. I just want to do my job, get paid, pay my bills, travel and shop and save(not necessarily in that order). 

Guess I'll take the time tomorrow to actively look for a "regular" job. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

I'm not patient

I hate not knowing, waiting for answers. Hate it.  Hate it hate it hate it. 

I woke up this morning on top of the world.  I felt great about life, about love about everything.  I felt one with the universe and all of that.  It was a great feeling.  Even though I often given "overly happy" people the side eye, it felt good.  Really good.  Are there really people that feel like that all the time?

Then it stopped.  And doubt started creeping in, and anxiety and fear and bam.  Bad place.  I don't want to be in a bad place anymore.  I'm tired of the bad place.

I have to be patient.  It'll work out, it always works out.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

You know

Whatever happened to if you know better do better?

So you know if you call during business hours there's a good possibility I'm working. I don't answer the phone when I'm working so send a text. I refuse to be held accountable for you not getting. Response if you call and don't follow up with a text. 

Never. Call. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

STFU Asshole

Not wanting smoking around public places (like a stadium) isn't about being a 'treehugger'. It's about I don't want your fucking cigarette smoke infecting the lungs of my family and myself. I don't want your dumb ass to be sitting around in 20 years and I'm dying of fucking lung cancer or emphysema and *I* have never put a cigarette to my lips in my life.
