Monday, July 29, 2013

Seriously lady??????

"Do I still have a credit? Like 5 or 10 dollars?" 

In my head: really? No trick! I took that for a tip. Since you never leave one. I took it upon myself to add it on as appreciation for always gettin the crap off your crusty dusty feet. 

In real life: "yes you do"

I'm such a punk!!! -_-

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Rare breed..... Apparently

Apparently I'm a rare breed. The things that are common sense and thoughtful and considerate are unique to only me. 

There's no way I would go out if town with someone. They have done all the driving and complained about their back hurting and then make them sleep on the couch. 
That's some major bs. 
You go hop your happy complaining tail in the bed and spread out leaving the little cardboard sleeper sofa to the person that has done most of the work and trip preparation? That's some bogish ish 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Who turned this on?

My feelings are way too apparent at the moment.  Wayyyyyyyy  I can't turn them off.  They're haunting me and it's working my nerves.  If this is what being an unmedicated woman is like then fuck it.  I'll just gain 100 lbs.

No I wont.  Huhhhhhhh

Monday, July 22, 2013


I have apparently been keeping my outrage to myself.

I would like to say...if I tell you, "I just can't get into Pinterest", that does not mean that:

  • I don't have a Pinterest account so you should invite me to sign up
  • I don't know how the site functions so I need your retarded ass to give me a dissertation
The shit just doesn't appeal to me. Okay? I don't want it. Like I don't want Instagram or whatever other social site. I don't need your remedial course on the functionality of it and why you love it.

So just stfu already.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Jeluz H8R

I was the biggest hater of all haters today. I cant believe I missed the Beyonce concert! 

Wtf!!!! It's not like when I act like I don't want to go to something and then get mad when everyone is there. No! I tried and tried and tried! But I don't understand how people got tickets when they went on sale at 10am and at 10:00:01 they were sold out!!!! How the flim flam did you get tickets?!?! 

So I had major hate attacks today. Oh frickin well! 

The good thing is..... I'm coming down some. Probably because its over and there's nothing I can do about it now. 

That's what I get for being so caring. If I was one of those screw you and your sick dog type of people I may have seen Mrs.Carter tonight. 


Pity Party

I'm currently having a giant one.  Woe is my life and my lack of disposable income.  Woe woe woe. 

Except I know I'm being ridiculous.  I've got it pretty good overall.

But I'm having a pity party all the same.

I'm tired of not having play money.
Of not being able to go on vacation.
Of having to think before I spend.
Of driving this car with this big dumb ass note with the non functional a/c.
Of my belly being all over everywhere
Of my boobs looking sad
Of getting dizzy
Of my arms feeling weird
Of only having one eyebrow
Of having to deal with that one dumb ass heifer at work
Did I mention the car a/c

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

All my fault

Even though my schedule has been the same for months  now, somehow it's going to be my fault you didn't get your nails for the event. 

Like you didn't know it was tomorrow. Like you didn't know you wanted your nails done. Like you didn't know I have a schedule. 

Just because I work at Home doesn't mean I'm gonna take you whenever. I have business hours. But because they weren't convenient for you, I'm going to be the one to blame.

Go kick rocks! 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Morning after

So it's the morning after the verdict in the Case against George Zimmerman. And I feel some kind of indescribable way. Some mix of emotions. 

I think it's interesting when I read people say they aren't surprised. And I think that saddens me. Why? Are we not surprised because it was a non black who killed a black boy? Or because the evidence the prosecution presented was insufficient? Or because the defense did their job and poked holes in the prosecutions case? I don't really know. 
If I'm perfectly honest. The defense was dope in his closing argument. He made sure the jurors had enough questions in their mind that they had no choice but to come back with a not guilty verdict. But I'm not sure that's the reason for other people's lack of surprise at the verdict. Which says a lot about the world we live in. 

Would it have gone that way if I were there? Nope! Because I would have said screw what you're talking about. I have my own mind made up given my extensive knowledge gained from CSI. 
Nope I'm not going. 

I keep seeing people saying don't just post on social networks but be the change we need. 
I really need someone to explain that to me. What exactly do these people expect us to do? Overthrow the government? Become vigilantes? Reinvent the black panthers? What should we do? As a matter of fact..... What are they doing? Plus isn't that what that little box is for on fb? For people to say what's on their mind. *shoulder shrug* 

As a woman who has experienced the loss of children without meeting them all I can do is pray for the parents of Trayvon Martin. Pray for their peace. Pray against, just, anger. Pray that their memories of their son will comfort them. Pray that the images of his lifeless body will disappear from their memory. Pray that this wakes young people up and helps them realize they aren't invincible and that life is not promised. So they will appreciate it and try to make better decisions. Pray that some kind of enlightenment comes out of this tragedy so that this baby's death is not in vain. God bless his family and friends. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Why can't I just curse everybody out???They feel like they can say whatever the fluck they want to say to me why can't I return the favor? I'm so tired of people and their dumb ish. 

Just STFU!!!!! 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

"I" world!

I've come to the realization that this is an "I" world. I'm the only one that matters. My opinion is the only one that counts. I want what I want when I want it. I want you to be available when I need you. I want a discount, although I love discounts. I! I! I! Motherflubbin I!!!! 

Well guess what EYE,cause you can't get the capitalizing effect with the letter, don't give two flyin nuts about you!!! 

So don't call/text me at 5,6,7 am or 10,11,12 pm( am on 12. You get my drift)

Don't get mad at me cause all 7 times I told you I was available " don't work for you" and then say EYE'M never available. 

Don't get mad at me cause your nap was more important, which I can understand but not when it comes to my money, and you missed your appointment but you don want me to charge you a cancellation fee. 

Don't talk ish about me when you text me on a holiday and I'm not working or I am but I can't take you. I want to enjoy my holiday just like you. 

The list goes on! 

The moral of the story is......... Think about someone other than yourself!!! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

You Don't Have...?

I absolutely detest negative questions. 

"You're not going to..."
"You don't have..."

That's not a question.  That's a judgement.   If you want to ask a question, ask the fucking question.  But to ask a negative question insinuates something.   That something someone else is doing is wrong. 

Well here's the thing.

You don't live here.  You pay 0 of our bills.  You contribute nothing to the household and from the sound of things you don't own your own anything.  So before you come in here talking about what "we don't..." how about you handle your own shit.   And then, when you have YOUR own things, then come back so I can tell you to kiss my ass.

Dear customers,

Don't brag about all of the free things you've gotten by being an asshole. Please understand we are not that company.

We won't give you shit and will have a dandy damn time not giving you shit. 

Be reasonable, reasonable will get you helped all day. Fuckery will get you fuckery in return

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Why do these girls think that this extra colorful lip gloss is hot?!?! 

It's not! You look stupid! Or dead! 

Turquoise and purple and yellow were not meant to be worn on your lips as an everyday thing! Gtf over it. 

Night Night

Morning - please stop coming so dang early. Wait a few hours. What's the rush?